Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Hello everyone. There were a couple questions about google classroom. The following post might be able to help. I copied this off of Mr. Wolfe's homework blog so where it says Math just pretend it says Social Studies and just replace Wolfe with Connors. That should work I guess. Alright, I'm gonna go stand in my yard. Don't touch your face.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Review and Enrichment Through Google Classroom and Paper Packets

It was great connecting with my homeroom families yesterday!  Please do your best to stay healthy!  We will get through this and return to normal soon!

Tomorrow we start a new adventure as we begin virtual learning through Google Classroom.  We will be placing review and enrichment activities on Google Classroom every Friday for the following week.  It is recommended that you spend 30 to 45 minutes a week working on the posted activities.  These activities are not meant to cause any stress!  They are posted for you to keep your skills sharp and give you a connection to school at this time.    

Families in my homeroom or three Math classes may email me at if you have any questions.  This is new to all of us!

To access Google Classroom, go to  In the upper right hand corner, there is a sign in icon.  Click on it and enter your gapps login and password which is your student id number followed by  (  Use the password you use to access gapps at school.  If you do not remember your password, email me, and I can contact someone to reset it for you.

Once you are in to gapps, click on the little square of dots in the upper right hand corner and go to Google Classroom.  There you will see your classes which have been set up by your teachers.  They have invited you to join their classes.  Accept their invitations.  Explore your classes.  Click around to become familiar with the application.

During this time, teachers will also have office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00 to 3:00.  They begin this Thursday.  

To access my office hours, remain logged in to Google and go to  Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 219-973-4124 and enter this PIN: 962 967 002#  .  I believe you do not need Internet access to call in.  Students who receive packets may call the above number during office hours as well.

If you have decided to pick up paper handouts, distribution of paper handouts will occur bi-weekly on Fridays from 4 to 6 PM and the following Monday from 9 to 11 AM at North Schuylkill Elementary.  The first pick up of physical materials will be on Friday, April 3 and Monday, April 6.  Pull into the front of NSE and a staff member will bring materials to you.  You do not need to return the packets.

You can also use Study Island to review and keep your skills sharp.  You can access Study Island under Math Links to the left on this page.  Your login is your id number followed by @ns.  (####@ns).  Your password is abc123.  You may also access Prodigy or any of the other links to the left to practice.

Remember if you have any questions, please email me.

Enjoy this time with your families!
Spartans are the best!

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