Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Civil War Study Guide
Civil War – War between the Union and The Confederacy
Union – North
Confederates – South
Abraham Lincoln – President of the Union during the Civil War
Fort Sumter – first battle of the Civil War
South Carolina – first state to secede from the Union
Most people thought the Civil War would be over in a few short months.
The Civil War lasted for 4 years. (1861 – 1865)
Strengths of the North: large population, more resources, grew most of the country’s food, had most of the railroads
Strengths of the South: well-trained officers, Southerners were fighting for their homes
Anaconda Plan – Union’s plan for victory
3 Parts of the Anaconda Plan: 1. Blockade Southern Seaports ….. 2. Take control of the Mississippi River ….. 3. Invade the South from all sides
Robert E. Lee – main general for the Confederate Army
Lee refused to command the Union Army because he did not want to fight against his home state which was Virginia.
General T. J. Jackson became known as Stonewall Jackson.
Great Skedaddle – the Union retreat from the first Battle of Bull Run
The Union had 42 ships at the beginning of the war. They had 700 by the end of the war.
Merrimack – Confederate Ironclad Ship
Monitor – Union Ironclad Ship
Emancipation Proclamation – ended slavery in the Confederacy
54th Massachusetts – first African American regiment to fight for the Union
By the end of the war, 180,000 African Americans fought for the Union.
Women of the War: nurses, passed out food and supplies, took care of homes, farms, businesses
The youngest person to fight in the war 14 and the oldest was 80.
Ulysses S. Grant – main general of the Union
The Union won the Battle of Gettysburg. The Confederates lost 28,000 men.
Gettysburg Address – famous speech by Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln dealt with the need for more Union Soldiers by instituting the draft.
William Tecumseh Sherman -  general who used total war against the Confederacy
Total war – all-out war to destroy people’s ability and will to fight
Appomattox Court House – place where Lee and Grant met (Lee surrendered)
620,000 people died during the Civil War.
Reconstruction – rebuilding the South
13th Amendment – abolished slavery
14th Amendment – guaranteed all citizens the same legal rights
15th Amendment – gave all male citizens the right to vote
Sharecropping – renting land for a share of the crop
Impeach – charge a government official with wrongdoing
Jim Crow Laws – made the separation of white and black people legal
Segregation – separation of people by race

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