Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Week of 12/4


1.       What year did Columbus make his expedition? 1492
2.       Columbus’ ships: Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria
3.       Columbus was looking for a water route to Asia.
4.       An expedition is a journey made for a special purpose.
5.       King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella paid for Columbus’ expedition.
6.       Columbus kept two records of the ship’s logs. WHY?
7.       A colony is a settlement far away from the country that rules it.
8.       2nd Voyage – 17 ships
9.       The Columbian Exchange is the movement of people, plants, animals, and germs across the Atlantic.
10.    Europe to the Americas: horses, sheep, cattle, sheep, wheat, onions, sugar, germs
11.    Americas to Europe: turkeys, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, chili peppers, pumpkins, beans,  peanuts, avocados, pineapples, tobacco
12.    Conquistadors are Spanish soldiers.
13.    Tenochtitlan is the capital of the Aztec Empire.
14.    Moctezuma I and II were the leaders of the Aztec Empire.
15.    The conquistadors were looking for gold and riches.
16.    Why was it a big mistake to give the conquistadors the gift of gold?
17.    Hernando Cortes was the leader of the conquistadors.
18.    When the conquistadors conquered Tenochtitlan, they called it New Spain.
19.    The Aztecs were trapped for 75 days.
20.    What was the difference in weaponry between the two groups?
21.    An encomienda is a large piece of land that often included several Indian villages.
22.    A missionary is a person who teaches his or her religion to others who have different beliefs.
23.    African slaves were brought to New Spain when the Native Americans began to die out.
24.    Yanga was an African who escaped from captivity and established a town.
25.    An encomienda is huge piece of land that often included Indian villages. These were given to the colonists by the Spanish government. 

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