Monday, January 22, 2018

WEEK OF 1/22


Study Guide: Roanoke, Jamestown, Plymouth, Henry Hudson
charter – document that permitted colonists to settle on land claimed by their ruler
armada – large fleet of ships
The Roanoke people stopped giving the colonists food because they killed their leader. (Wingina)
John White had to return to England to get more tools and supplies.
When White returned to England he found the word CROATOAN carved into a tree.
He ended his search because they were running low on supplies, complaints from the crew, and storms.
Nobody knows what happened to the colonists.
Northwest Passage – water route through North America to Asia
Profit – amount of money remaining after the cost of a business has been paid
Half Moon – Henry Hudson’s ship
Stock – share of ownership
The English chose Chesapeake Bay because it had good hunting and fishing. It was also safe from Spanish ships.
Drawbacks of Chesapeake Bay – disease carrying mosquitoes, water was salty and dangerous to drink
John Smith was disgusted with the colonists because they spent all their time searching for gold.
John Smith made the colonists plant crops, raise livestock, and build shelter.
Pocahontas saved John Smith from being killed by Chief Powhatan.
The colonists obtained food by hunting, fishing, planting crops, and trade.
Pocahontas married John Rolfe.
Indentured Servants – people who agreed to work for 5 to 7 years in exchange for a paid trip to Jamestown
Mayflower Compact – first form of government for the Pilgrims
Sachem – Native American leader
Protestants were people the Church of England to start their own religion.
Many of the first Pilgrims died from disease.
Squanto taught the pilgrims how to grow crops and trap animals.
The Wampanoag people brought 5 deer to the first Thanksgiving.
The pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving to rejoice surviving the winter.
There were 102 passengers on the Mayflower.
The trip on the Mayflower took 66 days.
The Mayflower was 100 ft. long and contained pigs, chickens, and barrels of gunpowder.

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