Wednesday, November 14, 2018


********** TEST: TUESDAY (NOVEMBER 20TH) **********

Study Guide: Roanoke, Jamestown, Plymouth

1.       England challenged Spain by trying to claim land.
2.       The Roanoac people stopped giving the colonists food because they killed their leader Wingina.
3.       John White returned to England to obtain food and tools.
4.       Spanish Armada – fleet of Spanish ships
5.       When John White returned to Roanoke, he found the word CROATOAN carved into a tree.
6.       White ended his search due to low supplies and complaints from his crew.
7.       Nobody knows what happened to the colonists of Roanoke.
8.       Charter – document that permitted colonists to settle on land

9.       Henry Hudson has more water named after him than anyone in history.
10.   Hudson was looking for the Northwest Passage. He never found it.
11.   Hudson’s ship was called the Half Moon.

12.   In April, 104 men and boys landed at Jamestown.
13.   By September, 46 of them were still alive.
14.   The English built their settlement on Chesapeake Bay so they would be safe from Spanish ships.
15.   Jamestown Drawbacks: water was salty and dangerous to drink, disease carrying mosquitos
16.   John Smith was disgusted with the colonists because they were only interested in looking for gold.
17.   Smith forced the colonists to build houses, plant crops, and raise livestock.
18.   Pocahontas saved Smith from being killed by Chief Powhatan (Her father).
19.   The colonists of Jamestown obtained food by trading with the Powhatan.
20.   John Rolfe married Pocahontas. This created peace in Jamestown.
21.   The “Peace of Pocahontas” lasted for 8 years.
22.   Cash crop – crop sold for money
23.   Tobacco was a huge cash crop for the colonists of Jamestown.
24.   Indentured Servants – people whose passage was paid for in exchange for work
25.   The first Africans in Jamestown were Indentured Servants who could become landowners.
26.   Later on, a large number of Africans were enslaved.
27.   House of Burgesses – made laws for the colony of Jamestown

28.   Mayflower:
102 people
66 days
100 ft. long (very cramped)
1 passenger died
1 gave birth (Oceanus)
Pigs, chickens, goats
Barrels of beef and bread

29.   Mayflower Compact:
Form of government for the Pilgrims colony
Had to be signed before setting foot on land
41 men signed it

30.   Sachem – Native American leader
31.   Many of the Pilgrims died from disease during the first winter.
32.   Massasoit, Squanto, and Samoset helped many Pilgrims survive.
33.   William Bradford was the leader of the Plymouth Colony.
34.   Squanto taught the Pilgrims how to grow corn and trap animals.
35.   The Wampanoag people and the Pilgrims shared a big feast in Plymouth in the year 1621. This became known as the first Thanksgiving.

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